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Ready Steady Pop            

For this immersive theatre piece, Spilsby Theatre was transformed into 'Spilsby Television Centre' for a 'live' broadcast of the hit 1960's TV show 'Ready Steady Pop'. It was simply advertised as a 60's night with dressing up encouraged. The nature of the performance was not revealed until the audience arrived!

Directing & Producing 2012 & 2013

Using with techniques and methods gleaned from Copperdollar, 

Jonathan Kay and The Nomadic Academy of Fools and also by drawing on my personal experience of working in TV, the performance explored the mythical and magical worlds of television, 60's Pop and celebrity culture.


The cast had no script. Improvisation workshops helped develop 

characters, relationships and roles. Choreographed flash mob style dances sporadically transformed the performance space. To keep the whole experience 'live', edgy and in the moment directing continued in character throughout the performance. 

Upon thier arrival, the audience were greeted by production staff and instructed on how to 'smile, keep dancing and not wave at Mum and Dad watching at 

home'! They soon became 

completely immersed alongside the cast of improvising TV crew, cameramen, presenters, and pop stars. Eventually many members of the audience

became the pop stars miming to songs as part of the 'live broadcast'.  Theatre as pure unashamed Warhol-esque 

pop art.

A multi-tasking cast/crew team effort made it all possible. 

Production Design Sonia Turner

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