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Richard II                                                                             Performing 2008 - 2011

Directed by Jonathan Kay

Produced by Kriya Arts

Performed by The Nomadic Academy for Fools

“FASCINATING! I actually liked it much more than I thought I would and even found it disturbing in parts – which is odd as you were just a bunch of fools in broad daylight! WAS F***ING AMAZING!”  – Julie Burchill

The process of working on a Jonathan Kay creation is quite something...Firstly learn the entire play! No performer has a fixed role. 


The characters were performed as shapes that could be played by different combinations of performers. By switching the lead performer in a shape during a speech the characters naturally come across as having multi-faceted, rich, complex personalities.  


Part choreographed, part improvised, the performance shifted from being watched, to being right in amongst the audience. Set is created through mime and physicality and engages the imagination of the audience.

“I’ve never seen a performance quite like it – I spent much of the next day thinking about the play, and how the performance style had meant it was something I experienced rather than observed, how it involved me in a way that wasn’t always comfortable (no bad thing)” - Nicky Getgood 

Richard II was developed and toured in the UK and Europe between 2008 - 2011. 

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