Directed by Bruce Knight
Additional Choreography Lorraine Moynehan & Airealism
Produced by What Goes Up & Airealism
"Noir simply and quite magically distils one art form into another" - (The Guardian)
"A dramatic thriller, paying homage to 40s cinema, Noir fuses physical theatre and aerial circus to tell the story of a detective, a blonde and vengeful gangsters...Prepare to be spellbound!" - (Time Out)
I directed 'Noir' for performances at the Albany Theatre in 2007 as part of the 'What Goes Up' partnership with aerial choreographer Lorraine Moynehan.
Working with an ensemble cast of 15 performers from the company 'Airealism' the piece combined a faustian narrative with the popular imagery of film noir. With no dialogue, storytelling was achieved purely through
music, movement and aerial circus skills.
"Noir is an extremely successful hour of theatre - fluid and engaging; an improbable combination pulled off" - (Sideshow Magazine)
"Whereas in Chandler and Hammett, the poetry is all in the hard-boiled dialogue, here it's in the sinews of the performers, noir re-imagined as a series of silent gestures - detective fiction as choreography. Noir brilliantly bottles the genre without using a cell of film" - (The Guardian)
I also directed a reworked version of Noir for the Glastonbury Festival Big Top in 2008.
Directing & Producing 2007/8